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Loaded Up and Ready to Go - USCCA for Concealed Carry Students

Okay, so you just obtained your concealed carry permit from Fully Loaded Defense. Congrats on making a great decision for yourself and your family! While you may have enjoyed the chuckles at the jokes that Bill sprinkled into his instruction, or at the very least his funny accent, the class may have seemed not only fun, but packed full of crucial, life-saving information you need to know and understand as a gun carrier and responsible law abiding citizen. And while it may seem this class is just like every other concealed carry permit provider class, we can assure you it is not in the slightest and was designed with you as our student in mind. The training and guidance provided by Fully Loaded Defense is not only top-notch, based on our years of experience, but because of the tools, further education and backing from the USCCA. In this article we will discuss what USCCA actually is, why we support the USCCA and what the organization can provide to you.

What is the USCCA?

The United States Concealed Carry Association (USCCA) is a membership organization that is dedicated to providing education, training, and legal protection to responsible gun owners. When you initially hear about companies like USCCA, you may think "This is just another insurance company trying to sell me something" or "I don't need this, I am a good person and if I have to use my weapon I won't be in the wrong". These are common comments we hear (and as you may remember from class, we discuss that even though you may consider yourself a "good" person, there are many repercussions from being in a self defense situation), but what most do not understand is what the USCCA actually is and what they can do for you, and when they are trusted by more than 795,000 gun carriers in the United States, that isn't a number to simply glance over.

While it is true USCCA provides the best self defense insurance coverage available today, their membership offers so much more, like hundreds of hours of online firearms training you can practice on at the range or in your home today, live training with fully certified trainers like the team here at Fully Loaded Defense to further your in-person training (with an expert guiding you with each step), and other avenues offered such as 24/7 critical response team, legal advice from a team of expert attorneys at your fingertips, quick access to USCCA's reciprocity map and gun laws by state, events and also discounts on incredible partner products.

So why does Fully Loaded Defense support the USCCA?

While we support many organizations, companies, advocates, and brands, the USCCA has stood out above all else to us because of the tools, education, and support they provide to us instructors. And you may be thinking this is just another company that wants to acquire as many instructors as possible, while the USCCA does want instructors under their organization, the USCCA does not just take any instructor that signs up with them, and instead they want the right instructors; the best of the best. To be a USCCA instructor, there are annual qualifications we must reach, education requirements for certifications, and they hold us to a higher standard in what and how we teach students like you, each year. We tell you this so that you have peace of mind knowing that the information you just obtained from your concealed carry class was the best, and the further training you seek from us (which we highly encourage you to continue firearms training at least once a month at a minimum), is unmatched.

Obtaining your concealed carry permit is just the first step in your journey to becoming a prepared citizen. Become fully prepared with realistic training, establishing plans to safeguard your home, learn how to safely travel, actually apply and put your skills to the test, teach family members (even the kiddos) the safe methods, and keep up with the current information to better equip you in your daily life, with the help of USCCA and Fully Loaded Defense. Knowledge truly is power. If you have any questions on the USCCA, how to get signed up, obtaining life-saving in-person training with us, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Our relationship has only begun.

Stay safe and stay fully loaded!

Blog Post By: Marcee Finn


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